Saturday, January 21, 2012

mark this one down in the pages of life.

rockin the bun.
my hair is getting so long, dang it. 
you think this bun is big?
you should see it with a sock in it. 

finals are over, signifying the start of the second semester of my senior year. not gonna lie, i'm  freaked out. it scares me to think that in five months i'll be on my own, five hours away from my family. 
(i promised my mom i'd live off of more than macn'cheese, top ramen & cold cereal next year.)

i'm enjoying high school while i can. 

remind me never to leave my laptop unattended around phillip&blake during government. 
i open it and find things like this.

i love my friends. 
a lot. 
and the sad thing about this is, they're really cute in real life. haha. 
(oh and speaking of government, i ended the class with a 90.1%. thank you & hold your applause until the end.)

then, it was off to a basketball game.
yeah we definitely lost to centennial. by four points. 

this shirt reminds me of my sophomore year, when brennan & i would go to basketball games and drool over josh. i still wear it to games. (sue me, its my favorite one.)

and so, we went to joy's house to celebrate. 
her driveway ate my feet.
(holler for dirt driveways & rain rain rain rain rain.)

i like this whole high school thing.
i'm crazy, i know.
its fine.


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