Wednesday, January 25, 2012

my other half.

three years.

my sweet pony, butterscotch, and i have been together for three years today.
i guess you could say its our anniversary of sorts?

horses are amazing creatures.
they teach you more about yourself than you thought possible.
they teach you how patient you are.
how to be the leader in a relationship.
how to keep your head in times of stress.
how to be kind yet firm.
they teach you to solve problems on the spot.
how to be responsible for a living, breathing, 1200 pound animal. 

basically, its like having a child.

what people don't understand about horses are how closely they resemble humans. (we're exactly the same.) they have emotions & feelings. they aren't like a dog or cat where you can play with them every so often, feed them general amounts twice a day and they'll be just fine.

they're so much more than that. 

once you've experienced it, you'll never forget it.

aw. butter. i love you.

just a little about her.
she's extremely talented. oregon high school equestrian team hunter under saddle champ for three years,  blue ribbons in fair every year, and has competed in every event you can imagine. jumping? yep. we did it for a while. on the flat? her favorite. western pleasure? she's got the cutest jog. cows? yeah, she's not a huge fan. roping? yep. its the only time she runs fast. trail? heck yeah. in hand? absolutely. she's seriously the most all around horse i've ever met. she has multiple headsets depending on the discipline and can drop her knees flat or pick them up to go faster. flying lead changes? piece of cake. i love that.

she loves food. alot. if she's not fed on time get ready for a hangry horse. (hangry: noun, a mix between hungry and angry). she can stretch her neck out to uncanny lengths to get the treat i'm holding out. she loves apples and peppermint sticks, but not carrots. 

she loves kids. she's usually somewhat impatient but when there's little kids around she lets them climb all over her and brush her and pet her and lets them stick their fingers up her nose and in her mouth and under her belly. she lets three of them sit on her bareback and will walk around the edge of the arena like a pro. 

but most of all, 
she's mine :)

brownie points if you made it all the way down here. 
loves, jess :)

1 comment:

Bina said...

Awe makes me want a horsie :)
She's beautiful and you too!