Saturday, May 12, 2012

my main mothers.

Mothers Day Mothers Day Mothers Day

oh boy, ain't that true!!

this mother's day, i have soooo much to be grateful for. 

and so, i believe it's appropriate to give a largish shout out to my momma. 
it's real hard to be away from my parents and it's weird to not have my entire family under one roof. that being said, i consider it a blessing to stay with my mom for the weekend. 
she's doing a great job under the circumstances. it's weird how no one quite replaces your mom, isn't it?

speaking of replacements, 

my other two main mommas, ann & nicki need a little recognition too.
they've let me become part of their families. i split my weeknights, laundry, and other needs between them. and i will love them & their families forever for it. 
(i've also gained eight other fabulous siblings. :) )


gramma & meesh are pretty fabulous too.

i've got some killer great women in my life.
i really hope you do to. let them know, okay?

and if you don't have some killer great women in your life, 
feel free to share mine :)

love always & forevaaaa,
jessica :)

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