Wednesday, November 21, 2012

my barn. it's better than yours.

i know i post about the barn all the time and you guys are probably sick of hearing it, but i am so grateful every day for the opportunity to ride and work at utah state. 10 years ago, if you had told me i would be a full fledged country girl, i would have laughed at you. but thanks to my best friend in the entire world, i've found my passion. there's nothing i love more than going to the barn and smelling the horses, getting all sweaty and poopy and learning things about animals that i didn't know before. gah i don't even know how to explain it. being at the farm makes me happier than i ever thought was possible. when i'm out with the animals, i don't mind that i don't have a boyfriend, that i'm not the prettiest, or skinniest, or that i don't have perfect skin, that i'm not the smartest or the best rider in my class. i'm not sure how or why, but it makes me whole. 

my barn, it's better than yours.


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