Tuesday, January 17, 2012

study break.

day eight.
cat things. 
they make me laugh. 
real hard. 

if you follow me on pinterest, 
just go to my laughter board 
& feast on the cat laughter goodness.

laughed about this for days.

on another note.

its an epidemic, especially among the seniors that have a total of oh, two finals this week. 
it results in me finishing my english project the day before it's due whilst rocking the sock bun, the don't sweat my swag nike shirt, the yoga pants, the ipod on my country playlist, and a waterbottle full of crystal light. procrastination don't get much better than this. 
true fact.


Sister Megan Nielson said...

I think we're twins.

jessica said...

LOL! That cat picture is amazing! I'm a lover of all things cat-funny, and this definitely had me giggling :) I think it's because I have two fur babies and it definitely had me thinking of them! Instant re-pin!
